The Auspicious Buddhist Festival Time in Tibet

Good morning, dear students and Dharma friends!

Today is the 1st day of 4th Tibetan month. It is the beginning of the most auspicious Buddhist festival in Tibet. During this month of Saka Dawa (19/05/2015 to 16/06/2015), the effects of positive and negative actions are multiplied by 10 million times.

So let us engage in virtuous activities such as paying homage to Buddha, meditation, chanting mantra and prayers, generating compassion and bodhicitta etc. Dharma practice is strongly recommended in this month.

All virtuous deeds will bring powerful blessings, helping accumulate merits and purifying obscurations. Thus, we should not waste this rare opportunity.

~Sangpo Rinpoche

Buddha Shakyamuni mantra:
~Om Muni Muni Maha Muniye Soha~