Category Archives: Ukategorisert

Mother´s Day Blessing

A mother’s heart is the heart of compassion. We should always be grateful to our mother for bringing us life and giving us selfless dedication.

People who study Buddhism usually learn to be loving to their parents. The merits of showing loving piety to our parents are just as good as the merits obtained by supporting the Buddha. There is no difference.

In the days of Mother’s Day, we should be grateful to the mother’s deep virtues, and at the same time generate the vast willingness of the bodhisattva to save all motherly beings.

Every mother and caring person is a bodhisattva who protects life and protects love; in today’s special holiday, may all beings be blessed with compassion and wisdom, and also bless you all with the auspicious blessings of the bodhisattva.

May all mothers of the world be peaceful and happy, healthy and experience longevity!

The Wisdom of the Simple Inner Heart

Simplicity brings happiness, great wisdom, and pure peace. Complexity brings pain, creates evil thoughts, and persistent troubles. The simple inner heart is rich and bright. It may seem dull, but it contains beautiful fragrance, no debris, and an openness accommodates everything.
People who truly understand simplicity have great wisdom.

Back in Norway

It has been around 9 years since I last came to Norway to give teachings. I’m so glad to have the opportunity to come back to Norway and European countries for Buddhist teachings, and to propagate Buddha’s compassion and wisdom. May the merits accumulated from the teachings continually be dedicated to worldly beings who suffer, especially the victims of the Indonesian tsunami and their families! May they be free from sufferings and gain happiness!
May all disciples and sentient beings who have karmic connections with me be always auspicious, healthy and happy!

-Khenpo Sangpo Rinpoche