Monthly Archives: May 2015


Try not to cling to things or situations of the present.

The persons who you want to get rid of today, or hate the most, may one day become the ones who bring you the greatest accomplishments. Whereas the ones you love, and do not want to separate from, may be the enemies of past lives.

If we understand and are deeply convinced of the law of causality, we will naturally know how to create positive karmic affinities with others, accept the changing and impermanent nature of life, and thus stay at ease under all circumstances.

~ Sangpo Rinpoche ~


Compassion and gratitude are the best ways to conquer hatred. We should be grateful for our enemies and other obstacles that help us grow.

Only by having gratitude will we have an opportunity to reflect on our own situation and realise how precious happiness is. Besides, we’re given a chance to correct our behaviour by being aware of our defects. We should also be grateful to them for letting us develop wisdom, creating an inner breakthrough in the face of adversity and removing our negative karma.

~An excerpt from “Crystal Clear Mind” by Sangpo Rinpoche~


The Buddha expounded the 84,000 tenets with the intention to work with the 84,000 varieties of disturbing emotions that we generate. Because the afflictions are innumerable and cannot be expressed in real numbers, the number 84,000 is used to describe the countless types of sentient beings’ afflictions. The antidotes to subdue the mind that entertains the disturbing emotions are included in the three turnings of the Wheel of the Dharma.

In the first turning of the Wheel of the Dharma, Buddha taught the Four Noble Truths: (1) the truth of suffering, (2) the truth of the origin of suffering, (3) the truth of the cessation of suffering, and (4) the truth of the path that leads to cessation.

We can understand these four truths in this way: the cause and effect of samsara (origin of suffering and suffering itself), and the cause and effect of nirvana (the path that leads to cessation and cessation itself).

Samsara is caused by “the origin of suffering, ignorance”, self-grasping and desire, which again creates the five afflictive emotions, anger, pride, jealousy, attachment and ignorance. These afflictive emotions lead to Samsara.

Nirvana, or enlightenment, refers the state of liberation from suffering as well as to the cessation of its causes, thus is the true and ultimate happiness.

~An excerpt from Rinpoche´s book “Crystal Clear Mind”


Our mind is compassionate by nature. I have encountered many obstacles in this life and once I lost everything overnight. But my mind remained calm and peaceful, I faced the gains and losses with a detached mind. It may seem that all material wealth is lost, but loving-kindness and compassion in our hearts bring the biggest wealth and greatest strength to our lives.

~An excerpt from the book “Crystal Clear Mind” by Khenpo Sangpo Rinpoche~


The inherent nature of the mind is empty, so no phenomenon is being created or destroyed.

The inherent nature of the mind is radiant and clear, so all phenomena are neither defiled nor immaculate.

The inherent nature of the mind is compassionate and immeasurable, so it is impartial and without discrimination.

Every single thought arising in the mind makes all the difference between success and failure.

~An excerpt from the book “Crystal Clear Mind” written by Khenpo Sangpo Rinpoche~


The news about the people that were killed the Nepal earthquake is very sad. I hope that all students of Samye Buddhist Association in Taiwan and Malaysia will come together and recite mantras and pray.

We will say mantras for the survivors to help the wounded, protect them from fear, and help them in their rehabilitation. We will also pray for the deceased, that they may be guided by the compassionate Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and return to the place without pain, being reborn in the pure lands.